Sunday, February 8, 2009

Utter Sanctity

Now I know I said that 07 Feb 2009 was the best day of my salvation life thus far, and that was on the 7th. I was totally correct it was, on the 7th.

Now there comes a time in this salvation way of life, when a born again believer makes it known that he/she is ready to carry the cross and follow Jesus - the pursuit of Christianity; Christianity meaning to be like Jesus Christ in all aspects of ones life. As this might look like another outward expression, a confession like the acceptance of the Lord as a personal Savior, it carries much much more weight than that. It marks an individual's decision to pay attention and attend fully all things God. Out of all the verses explaining what baptism holds, such verses are the Romans 6verse4, I am fond of Peter's version found in his first book 1 Peter 3verse21 ".., and this water sysmbolises bastism that now saves you also- not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience towards God." Here the individual requesting batism pledges that he/she is ready for full responsibility which encompass full revealations from Almighty God to the individual.

Well, I can't blame myself for not knowing that the 08th of Feb 2009 would be the best day of my Christ life. But on this day, the 08th, I pledged to God. I have been baptised and have reached Utter Sanctity. It is now upon me whether to keep myself pure or allow impurites into this now Holy Heart, Mind and Soul.

Something even more confirmative of the upgrade to Holy Holy, my previous post titled "Be Caful" - became the message of the day in our Sunday service on the 08th, from our visiting Bishop from Joburg - Bishop Zakes. I was shocked, ...but a moment later I understood.

I have entered a new level of connection. The above telephathy was not the usual mental type where two or more people think of the same thing, it serves as a signal that I have now entered the level of divine revealations. For all that has happened I would like to give thanks to the one who loves me measurelessly, the alpha and the omega, Lord of Lords - my loving living God. I love you so much.

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