Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Post - New Life

Had I known that a new life meant, literally, a new everything; a new mindset, a new surrounding, a new comprehension and a series of new mysteries,  then I believe procrastination would have been a due course. Unfortunately for me this new life was not entirely a personal decision. I submitted to an inner inexplicable force that, by virtue, is the spiritual force of the person I am in relation to God. This force is the very force that makes my spiritual happiness, joy , triumph, strength, my weakness, anxiety and distress known in the geographically unknown heavenly kingdom.

I am trying to say that I am a new born baby, born in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I know this sounds like the best thing that could ever happen, mainly because it is, but it's also the worst thing that could ever happen to a person who is not prepared to sacrifice. What sacrifice am I talking about now? Wasn't Jesus Christ the sacrifice, in fact didn't He suffer and undergo crusifixion so that we may not sacrifice anymore or make burn offerings to God for the forgiveness of sins?Isn't that the reason He came, that no more sacrifices may be made? Maybe that was part of the reasons He came, to be a sacrifice. But believe me, to follow Him and be able to be called one of His own requires a lot of sacrifices, and because of today's acceptance of bad habits it's not easy to make them. And because of the former life mistakes that haunt me, I sometimes fall short in making my due scarifices. Only because I am a spirit operating by faith can I countinue in this journey, and faith tells me to hang in there and jost hold on.

On the other hand, this new life brings a new way of understanding, which has been a wonderful opportunity for me. The new knowledge through salvation has unlocked mysteries that were a result of living through the world of Science. Living and reasonig through the human senses: taste, feel, smell, hear and see - what about "think"? Scientists cannot to this day comprehend what constitutes a thought. Well, that[a thought] is merely a minor in this new life of mine. I now understand my arrival, stay and departure on this very Earth I was confused about. But it is very important to state that for everything that I am now, nothing I did. It was not by myown  "then" human understanding, or power or knowledge that I became but because I went to one who has been calling me for over a decade now since my death, and I said "Yes, come in and stay and make a home in my heart". To be honest I do not know what to do with my life. But what I like about this new life is exactly that, that I should forget about what I want or need to do - because that will mostly benefit my humaness and not the spirit. The Great Book, as I like to refer to it[The Holy Bible] says in the book of Matthew that we should not worry about anything but "Seek Him first" and all things desirable shall follow, Him is God the Almighty.

I am seeking God and with the knowledge that I have acquired so far I enter the domain of confusion sometimes. I do not want to excuse laziness for submittion to the Holy Spirit and to the  Word. I was never a lazy person but sometimes I feel that I am abusing this knowledge. And I see myself running back to the world and that's when I stop dead on my tracks. One thing I believe for sure is that God would never take me out of the world and then send me back running without a specific task. So now I wait and in the interim, I learn more about the Lord my God Jesus Christ. Yes many parts of the Great Book state that we should forget about former things and not dwell in the past, even to the fact that we need to understand that things we knew and possessed in our former lives are absolute rubbish in comparison to the greatness of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. All I can say to my defence then, is that I will grow in Grace and in knowing my King and Saviour Jesus Christ- and as the Lord has made a promise to me with a verse from the book of the prophet Isiah 43verse18-21, I know He will keep it, all I need to do is believe in Him and be blameless.

What makes salvation a difficult way of life for me is the fact that I want to go somewhere with it, it's my vision that is making it a mountain too steep to climb. But it's the devil that is fighting me for it knows where I am destines, less than the One who predestined me, and now the devil is scared of what I am meant to become. Great is He who is within me than the devil in the world and I will continue to fight a good fight like the Saint Paul.

I pray dearly that all people in the world may seek the Lord in their lives. I share God's Love for me to all who do not know Him. This is why I am saved.

May the Lord God forgive me for the sins of today, and the bad thoughts that have come into my mind in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. 

God's Love is Life.

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