Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm still breathing

I have nothing much new to share, but the obvious case of a heavy cross. I wish I could take the bible and paste it in my brain. That would be useless, trust me. I would not have to crave the Word, to be in need of it, because it would be with me all the time. But I believe you need to need God all the time, in order to love Him more and feel His ever increasing love for you.

So I am still a born again believer who love Jesus Christ our Lord and my God forever. Things I have done lately and recently are not more than a spiritual poem that I wrote, titled "A Perpetual Wonder" - a very interesting peice of work. It is interesting for me because I do not know where it came from, but it is said that our God is an inspiring God. The poem will be the next post. Another thing is the interesting DVD that I watched yesterday by born again believer, a female Professor named Gail Riplinger. It was about the different bible versions and how they are different, others being the full truth and others showing influences of the antichrists in bible publishing. She was not saying that these bible versions, those with many omitted verse - "powerful verses", are demonic and christian should stop using them, but that the people altering and omitting verses in these bibles should be careful, especially those who unknowingly do so. In her 6 year bible research she was came across a lot of information, some of it being Hebrew text of the genisis found in Egypt that had patterns on them. These pattern formed names of people, their birth and death dates, city of birth and death. Names of Moses where there in the book of Genesis and even up to the 19 century. So Gail was concerned that these people could be removing their names from the Book of Life as in Revelation 22verse18-19 "18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book." KJV. In the NIV Bible even this verse, which states clearly the consequences of altering the word of God, is altered.

It is very important that we know these things. Yes we are led by the Holy spirit, whether things have been altered or removed the Holy Spirit will reveal them to us. But the power posses by the true words, whether altered or omitted, is important. In fact that is the very reason why the devil doesn't want us to know them. There are many verses altered and omitted in the NIV and NASB bibles and other new age bibles, as Gail refers to them. I checked almost all the verses that she pulled out and they were indeed altered or omitted. Luckily I had a Cambridge Prince James Picture Bible tranlated from the original tongues and Hebrew texts, else I would have doubted the motives of Gail and her information. I will not stop using the NIV version because of this because the message was a warning to those altering the word of God anyhow. However, I will start reading the KJV more often. Which Bible Vesion are you using, does it even matter?

God loves me, and I love God.

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