Thursday, February 5, 2009

Table M - For the fist time.

Well, I wanted to go to the top of Table Mountain for a long time. I remember sometime last when I was checking their Cable online bookings and found out that there were none, because the cable functionality is determine by the weather on that particular day. Anyway I saw the prices but I do not know what kept me. Maybe the total price, because I was planning to go out with my then girlfriend, was out  of my budget - I can't really remember. But by the way I see things, I can stop but suspect the Lord's hand in it, who knows. Amazing things happen when you are in Christ Jesus, as soon as I was born again my first outing with my fellow brethren was an expedition to Table Mountain. Below are a few photos taken from there. They are lovely but they cannot portray enough the awesomeness and deep pleasure and sanctity of being there with believers, especially as a new being who is excited by this gift of new life. Again we are going this Saturday, but I still feel enthused about it. 

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