Saturday, February 7, 2009

Be Careful

Be careful what you wish for and ask for in prayer from God. You might just get it.

I say this because some people plead for things from God and then they forget and start to rule their own lives responding to the realities. God will give you the things you ask for at the specific time you requested. Well, I know some say that God gives you things when you need them. I say, if you are a Born Again believer, you will not ask from God things you do not believe in your heart that you need, else you will not have faith that He will provide because you yourself have doubt about the necessity of what you are asking for, which will diminish your motivation to even pray. The bible says in the book of James 1verse6-7 "But when he asks, he must believe and no doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown an d tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord"[NIV]. And I have not yet come across a believer in the bible who asked for something from the Almighty God and specified the time but received it at another. Take the biblical example of the story of the prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel. Elijah needed fire there and then, 'Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil and, also licked up the water in the trench."- from the book of 1 Kings 18verse38 [NIV]. In fact if God gave us things when we need them then there wouldn't be a need to pray because whenever you needed something God would just provide. We ask, we receive, as the scripture says. Therefore disciples of Christ Jesus ask for things they need. The only thing that has lead people to think that God doesn't give you something until you really need it is "lack of faith". It is written that anything we ask in the name of the Son we will receive. If at the time you are asking for it you believe enough, it is sent to you immediately and it becomes a matter of tick-tock on the clock. And the blessing will not come
until you give a specify signal of when you need it.

For example a man asks God that he wants to become a preacher, but he goes and enrolls at a tertiary institution to study Accounting. He then studies forgetting what he had believed in and requested from God. What do you think happens to that man? Does He become a preacher still, or does he become a graduate and go into the corporate world? What do you think? First think about who God is and what he has said. Jesus said that anything that you ask in the name of the Son the almighty Father will grant. Then what do you think will happens to this fellow? Let me tell you then, this fellow will either drop his studies and go straight to preaching. Or he might be in resistance and what will happen is that he will flunk and repeat, flunk and repeat until he goes back to God and does what he asked God to help him do. Note that you cannot specify a time for when God must make you a preacher because if you are under author and order within a particular ministry you will have to wait while God is making you leadership notice you and whilst he amends you to the vision he has already put into them. So for such a person patience can be tested and a pass is not guaranteed, hence the pressure to go and study. But what did he ask for, then that is what he shall receive.

First of all we can't fool God. I can't ask God for things and then go away. In fact let me first clarify what things I talk about when I say "..ask God for things..." - disciples or born again believers, should dare not ask for things from God that will not in anyway be to His glory. So these things are the things of the Lord, things to Glorify Him. So then, God gives he/she who has asked and there is no other way. I've heard believers say that when you ask God for a blessing and then you move from your level of faith to a lower point, when the Lord comes with your blessings and finds that your Faith has dropped your blessings go to other people. To that I beg to differ, I believe it is only by two ways that one doesn't receive his/her blessings; 1. You don't have enough faith, which means you are doubtful and 2. You were asking for something that wouldn't Glorify God thus you do not Love God, which means you do not believe in God - you might think you do but what you believe is that He can make things for you.

I did not mean to write this much. And I didn't even think I would write about what I've written, talk about our living God.

Yesterday, 07 Feb 2009, was the best day of my salvation life so far. Now this is what I wanted to write about. But in a very strong way it connects to what is written above. I told the Lord that I only wanted to serve the Him, to grow in knowing Him and His plans for me so that I may follow the right path. Now what I did was pray about that and I did not commit myself to anything. There is a young man, born again, named Gerat who runs Jabula Africa Ministries [None-Denominational Organization] - they travel all over Africa ministering to people. Now Gerat wanted me to join them and sign a full-time year contract. This was a good offer since he was going to pay for everything and I just had to avail myself. It sounded lovely and would definitely glorify God. What was the problem then, why didn't I take up the offer? Wasn't serving God what I had asked for? Yes, was, but it was not all I had asked for. So I told him I had to pray about it and I was until.... Remember I had also asked for growth in knowing Him. There are three people who are responsible for me, who are schooling me the word of God, leadership and the life of salvation. Although the Holy Spirit would have been with me at JAM, these man of God would not be there. So what does this mean. It means that when you ask something from God, specify the details and leave nothing out. And do not forget.

But like the man who wanted to become a preacher, I didn't forget but I wanted to do something else in the meantime while I patiently wait for God to answer me and there I was being persuaded by business acquaintances to join their new estate agency. What do you think happened? I think it should be obvious after all this text. Well, let me come to your rescue, God answered me. I am now the Administrator of the New Life Christian Fellowship Centre. Yes, that is true. So what about the membership offer at the estate agency? Mhh .....what about it?

God is good all the time, and

all the time God is good. I am
as overjoyed as the Maggi
when they saw the star. Thank you God.
I love you.

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