Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Secret

I just remembered, last year I read a book titled "The Secret" - many people know its DVD. The book was about the power of "a thought". The book authors; many of them physicians and scientists and others philosophers and authors, tried to explain what a thought is and how it is powerful. They used quantum physics to explain this phenomenon -"saying that thoughs are frequencies sent out to the universe, and the universe answers to whatever thought it recieves from you". If you always think about bills, then bills it will be, in your mailbox every month end. And if you always think about success, you will be successful in the very way you always imagined yourself.

This is true, indeed when you think about good things happening to you, good things will start to happen to you. But it is not the universe. How does it then do all these things. We people are so desperate for information and wealth- believing anything we hear, read or see, but we disregard the very one at our disposal. It is God who has favour on us because it doesn't matter how far we are from Him, we[all] still are His children and He loves us and His sun shines and rain pours down to all of us [believer or nonbeliever].

And what is more pleasing is that I know that it is not the universe but God who is going to fullfil my desires and I also know why.

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