Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am glad

I am so delighted today at the fact that I have finished the first chapter of my book, and also on this day we have managed to get finance of a R100K for starting our business, we need another R200K and we are there. It is our intention that we start operating by mid August, with the Lord's help we will.

As I write this book I feel something out of the ordinary. I feel the same way I felt when I wrote the spiritual poem, also posted on this blog, titled "Who is there?". I was still at varsity when I wrote it.I just got out of bed and went to sit in front of the computer and started writing. An hour later I was done and a friend of mine, Mcebisi, came in. When he read the poem he couldn't believe me when I told him I had just written it, he was awed by what soon fell onto the oblivious side of my brain. Not until later the following year did I realize what was going on in my life. God was present, and vigorously so. He was forcefully claiming my life. I can't say I mind, He has saved me from an awful lot of misery.

Now I feel the same way as I write this book. I feel like I am a spectator in writing it, even though it is my hands pressing the keys of the laptop, and my mind thinking and my eyes editing the information. I feel like I'm watching myself being surrogated by God, and again I don't mind. So I am amazed at how the book is progressing, at a speed I have not witnessed before, as I have been writing a book on my own for 3 years now, yes 3 years, and it's not even half-done.

So I am very glad at what God is doing in and with my life...where you lead me Lord, where you lead me...I will follow...laph' engiholela khona, laph' engiholela khona....Jesus I love you Lord.

And You love me more.

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