Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dream On

Today's Though For Today from : was amazing I just have to post it as it is. It is so true and it is "killing me softly...whw...telling my whole life"...

Dream On

Why have we forgotten how to dream? With our innocence gone, and the entertainment industry doing all the work for us, we quickly lose our capacity to dream possible futures. Stop. Close your eyes. And dream again. Put the stars in your dreams. And then reach for them. No need to struggle. Simply nurture the dream, sustain the vision, and watch it come true. It must, it's the law.

Keep dreaming and you will see yourself living your dreams...I am so close


  1. How true and how inspiring. I am admiring the spirit inside you and really glad to see you moving mountains. All the best.

  2. Hey Puppy...remember that one, or even better yet Brown Sugar? How I miss u, when all is said and done, u will mosdef see me, I see from ur blog that u still have that beautiful smile...thanks for the best wishes, hope the best for u too...much love.
