Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Glory is Yours oh God!

A lot has happened in my life since the last time I posted and I feel I don't know where to start.

I just want to thank the Lord for His wonders in my life. God tested me in the most vigorous ways and as His promises state, in James 1verse12, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial...", and now He has blessed me.

I thank Him for the awesome knowledge that He has bestowed on me, and more than I do for the material blessings I thank God for the spiritual blessings that have become a complement to my spirituality. I have seen and read and heard so much in very little time and this tells me that there is more that God is doing with my life and I thank Him for choosing me. And I trust that I may continue doing everything to please Him and I know He will do everything to please me. Earlier today I read the 7th chapter of the book of the prophet Jeremiah and was blessed by the words of the Lord from verse 9 to 10, amongst other blessing words. And an hour ago I was blessed by the thought of the passage starting from the first verse of the first Psalm to the third. The latter verses from the book of Psalms - Psalm 1 helps and has helped me become who I am, a true lover of the word of God, meditating in His word all day and night.

I am so blessed by the knowledge of the Lord and I just wish He could come back. Let your will be done.

I love the Lord Jesus, His Father and their Holy Spirit. I love God. And He loves me more.

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