Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where you lead me I will follow

It has been difficult, still is, to allow God to lead me. He has been patient in moulding me in the likeness of His son Jesus the Christ. He has been patient in cleaning me off the vanity in my mind and teaching me the way of the Kingdom, the way of Love - the way of God.

I thank the Lord for His mercies on me and His endless love with-which He has bestowed knowledge upon me. It is a great privilege that I know the Lord, let alone the knowledge of Him and His Father's kingdom. I wish I could leave this world, for I would be with my Lord Jesus, but even staying is gain in the form of crowns (Phil 1verse21-21).

I am blessed, thank you Lord. I am blessed coming in and I am blessed going out. I bless the Lord and I praise Him, exalting His name. I love you Jesus,...and You love me more.

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