Monday, June 1, 2009

An Overwhelming Feeling

What an overwhelming feeling it was. For the first time I had to pour out the Lord's heart to the fellow children. It wasn't the message of the day but a thorough conveyance of a proper understanding of the word of God was indeed as necessary.

It was on Tuesday when I recieved the notification, that I was invited to speak on giving and offering towards to the work of God. But how could they ask me, being merely an infant. And then I thought of the eight year old king Josiah, and the young prophet Jeremiah and then the very young victor David. I knew I had no excuses left, for it wasn't even myself who was going to make effort, but the Lord who has all the power and wisdom. From there I recieved the message "Speak on thanksgiving". Accompanying the message were verses, quite sufficient they were. Yet there I was going out to look for more, trying to make myself sound eloquent and articulate. If it wasn't for the acknowlegdement to the Lord, that He himself put in my heart, I would've made a fool of myself. All the additional verses the Lord made me forget, thanks be to God. Later the Lord made me realise that there additional verses were compromising the thanksgiving message and were going to create confusion. [I spoke on offering being a device bywhich we prove true the thanks we utter out aloud, 2 Corinthians 9verse12. Now I personally wanted to include Philippians 4verse13&17- which is a different and separate message altogether, also on giving]. Thanks be to God, the Father and the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank God for purifying and sanctifying me to the extent that I could be a medium throughwhich He could teach His children, myself included. Some of us miss or overtime we forget the significance of acknowlegding God and as a result wore out or we at times runout of things to say to God's people. But God will never runout of things to say, God will never runout of anything. We need to understand that He is, more than anything, a God of Principle.

I love God and He loves me more.

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