Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Finally, after a long wait.

"I will never understand my own Father", this is the best way of understanding our heavenly Father- and it bears much less confusion opposed to the notion of wishing and hoping to understand our Creator.

What I mean is that we often sail south and north, travel east and west all in the persuit of the full description, understanding and knowledge of who God really is and how He is. If we could let our own failures and those of our predecessors define God then we would be almost there. If we could first accept the fact that the is no understanding God then we would be straight on our way to understanding God. You see understanding God totally, is the same as taking the entire universe and enclosing it in a single tin of jam. What, How and Where God is can never be comprehended by our human brains, I doubt that even the angels fully understand Him.

After a long wait I now understand God. I understand that there is no understanding Him and that automatically upgrades my awareness and wisdom. I understand that God is not guided by the same nature which guides us and that no rules can restrain Him. It is this fact exactly, of not knowing God's percept and purpose of things and situations, that makes me quick to listen but slow to talk and totally unable to judge without revelation. In you are not sure about the hand of God in it, do not touch it. I wish I could support this revelation with more biblical incidents but one that comes to mind at this instance is Peter's dream, the Lord said " not call, what I have made clean, unclean". Ah, thank you Father, thank you Jesus. Also, Stephen was stoned he was preaching about a new thing - from God, and was in an argument with the Cilician, Saul, who was defending the old - also from God. If perhaps these two man of God had sought after God's hand in the matter, the Gentile-Jew and the pure Jew, the end result would not have been as extreme. Considering the fact that the stoning was carried exactly according to the word of God, after the Cilian argued that Stephen was worshiping a dead man as his Jesus was hanged on a tree as the bible said it would be of anyone who comes claiming to be the messiah.

Thank you father for such a believing heart, with also a hungry mind and a thirsty soul. Thank you for the wisdom.

I love the Lord my God with all my heart, my soul and my mind. Amen.

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