Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Power Of The Mind And The Subconscious

I look at an average thirty year old male, and I see someone who is running out of time for making his life fulfilling. But in reality the average males, most of them,are quite oblivious of their age, how many used and how many are left. You can attribute this unawareness to the fact that nobody knows when they will depart, and you would be nearly right. But I believe even if we knew our date of departure, things would remain the same. There is what is called procrastination, to regularly postpone something. This means that we push away things the we know for certain their due time, and we do something else more satisfying, which could be doing nothing else at times.

Now, it bewilders me how the mind can allow a person to postpone things,because it is a calculating machine, it should inform you beforehand what the repercussions of such an act as procrastinating are. Quite contrary to that, the mind calculates for itself over you, the person. Can you believe it? The mind actually cares more about itself, than it does the rest of the body, you. How? In procrastination, the mind gets some free time, it gets a break, and it can think about those things it likes the most, those that it favours. What? Yes, that is how the mind is like. Take it from the point of physics, the mind has inertia. It is reluctant to change.

Breaking this down a little, the mind likes more of what you have already put in it, and anything contradicting what the mind likes, the mind rejects or is reluctant to do. So if you were relaxing watching TV and now you want to go and jog, the mind will try by all means to convince you to watch a little more of TV, unless the mind also likes to jog, because it doesn't work much, but the body gets to do the tiresome work. Physical activity is more tiring than mental activity, according to the mind of course.

Now these favourites are in the subconscious, they are engraved in the nonphysical part of the human, and they are as very much difficult to remove as they are to embed. But when they are there, they are there. Once a philosopher gave me an example of how powerful the mind is. He said when a person learns how to drive a car, they will not change the gear without first looking at the gear lever. But when the habit of driving has gone into the subconscious, the subconscious does it for you. As he was telling me this example, he was driving he's own car, and he had just received a phone call. And he continued,"but when your subconscious does it for you, you can answer a your phone, you can look around. You don't even see yourself indicating or changing the gears, or even driving the car, you can think about other things until you reach your destination.

So I guess the average male has fed the mind sweets and the mind liked them. Now when he wants food, the mind wants sweets. Sweets represent living the young life, the life perpetuated by the pop-culture through media, and food represents the natural life, the more settled life,and even family life. In essence this male does not see how grown he his, and therefore how out of time he is, because the mind doesn't want him to see it. That would mean no more sweets, but the mind likes sweets, it enjoys sweets.

The mind is very powerful, so be careful of what you put in it, it is the worst addict.

"Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered." Proverbs 28:26 ESV.

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