Sunday, January 16, 2011

It is Time, God's Time

I have been tested, I believe, in every aspect of my life. And I believe that God has developed
a character in me that is willing and able to action His purpose for my life. In my dealing with Him I had asked that He please minister to me in all ways, before I can minister to the masses. I said to Him "Father, I refuse to minister about your love, your power - to heal, provide, and prosper your children if I have not experienced it myself". Now I feel that the course is done and I have passed the Transformation Course, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - Romans 12:1-2.

The spirit in me testifies that I am pleasing to God, and that I am ready to receive all kinds of healing, providence, riches - both spiritual and material, and prominence. I am as ready as Tracy Chapman in her "I'm ready" song. I'm ready to let the rivers wash over me, for that matter I was born-again to Isaiah 43:18-21 and verses 19 & 20 say "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen".

It is God's time in my life and nothing can stop it. It has not been easy getting where I am now spiritually. I accept duty Lord, for you have been faithful. I love you as I live through your word in Psalm 1.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Success God's Way

For a while I have struggled with the modern common definition of success, a tertiary qualification, a house and a car or two and marriage as a cherry on top. How did people measure success a millennium ago, when there were no educational institutions, nor were there fancy housing and cars.

Whenever people speak of success they always associate it with these tangible yet destructible things, forgetting the more permanent/crucial articles of success. Such articles include success in keeping a healthy relationship with people and nature, thus companions, family and friends, and also good eating habits, socio-economically responsible through personal, private or public charitable offerings, and respectful to nature in the sense of taking care of your pet(s) and plant life. I am being general here of course, but the idea is that success shouldn't be measured by things that can be lost through one tragic event such as a collapse of an economy: for the things often listed in measuring success were lost by some due to the economic depression more than a year ago. However it is only through death that one can lose the articles I have mentioned in my casual definition.

Personally I will never think myself a success until I have success within my family, in terms of having a healthy relationship with them, and in my marriage [when I am married of course], in my business affairs, in fulfilling God's purpose for my life [more significantly], in my socio-economic roles, in sustaining a good living for all those I can help and therefore everything I do. I have set my eyes for the success which David had. The bible says David "had success in all his undertakings, for the LORD was with him" 1 Samuel 18:14. In everything I do I wish to have success and have no wasted efforts, but I understand that what underlies that is the presence of the Lord.

I will continue to seek Him, I need Him, because I want to achieve what He wants me to achieve. I am His, and thus I seek only to please He, after saving a certain woman from hypocrites my Lord said "He who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him" John 8:29. Let me please Him.

I need Success God's way because only then can I know that I am pleasing Him, success in one aspect of my life is not enough, not stating that I don't want challenges but in fact stating that I need VICTORY over all challenges I encounter, which will therefore be confirmation of my being a fragrant offering of thanksgiving to the Lord, which is acceptable and pleasing to my Lord.

Let us try to have Success God's Way, and see if we will not be content.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


As clouds can be frightening from a distance but are merely mist when you are within them, so are decisions...they seem too big before you make them, but once you are done, they are very light...I guess it is the rain that should be frightening, and similarly the consequence(s) of the decisions we make.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Personally I believe greatness to be a substance of belief, and thus I believe that great things are for ordinary people who only think greatness of themselves. People who say "I am great, and I know it....God packed me with greatness and sent me on a physical pilgrimage to carry out a task which matches this awesomeness that lies within me"..these are the people who become great in life, because they realised, through a sudden or gradual awakening, that inside them, lies immeasurable greatness.

I am great, because the Son is in me, and therefore He has multiplied my abilities

Monday, August 9, 2010

Be Still And Know

Funny how we always remember the songs and the verses, yet constantly forget their meaning...for instance, what does this song taken from a verse in Psalm 46, "Be still and know, that I am God" really mean. Yes we love this song, we enjoy and are blessed by it whenever a beautiful anointed voice sings it in praise...but are we conscious of its message.

I have learnt that awareness is not acquiring knowledge, but reacting according to the message received. For example, in almost all cigarette packs, there is a message that nearly reads "Smoking is not good for your lungs" and some even read "Smoking can cause lung cancer"..what? Yes. So is the person who smoke aware that it can cause lung cancer? No, definitely not. A person whom you can be certain is aware is the one who eventually quits smoking because of realising this message. So the person who continue reading this message and still smokes, just knows it but is yet to be aware. Therefore awareness is a state of being, not the acquirement of knowledge. I think this is why the Lord Jesus, says to His disciples "If you know all this, blessed are you if you really do it"(John 13:17)Moffatt NT, meaning that knowing is far from doing, which eventually proves your awareness.

So I went to visit a church yesterday, I'd helped them with something and so they invited me, the Pastor wanted to thank me personally. It was lovely, I was so blessed, they sing so beautifully and the message, it was out of this world, a message of Perfection, rarely ever preached anywhere. But after the service, I came to think of these songs that were sang...such songs were the song like "Noko noko ndingahamba nawe, Nkosi enofefe, ndiwonyuke amadabi...mhh". And then it came to these two songs that this lady medleyed together so wonderfully. She started with the one which sings "Kuwe baba, ngibekithemba lam, to you oh Lord, do I put my trust" and she went on to "Be still and know, that I am God" my goodness I couldn't even sing, I just wanted to cry...this song is enough to help everyone who's anyone through any circumstance or predicament, stumbling block or wall of obstacles. And I was amazed at how often it is sang through without any consciousness of its powerful meaning.

Amid the noise of the whirlwinds, all I can do is "Be Still and Know...that HE is GOD"...and I love Him, with all my Heart, my Mind and my humble Soul.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Power Of The Mind And The Subconscious

I look at an average thirty year old male, and I see someone who is running out of time for making his life fulfilling. But in reality the average males, most of them,are quite oblivious of their age, how many used and how many are left. You can attribute this unawareness to the fact that nobody knows when they will depart, and you would be nearly right. But I believe even if we knew our date of departure, things would remain the same. There is what is called procrastination, to regularly postpone something. This means that we push away things the we know for certain their due time, and we do something else more satisfying, which could be doing nothing else at times.

Now, it bewilders me how the mind can allow a person to postpone things,because it is a calculating machine, it should inform you beforehand what the repercussions of such an act as procrastinating are. Quite contrary to that, the mind calculates for itself over you, the person. Can you believe it? The mind actually cares more about itself, than it does the rest of the body, you. How? In procrastination, the mind gets some free time, it gets a break, and it can think about those things it likes the most, those that it favours. What? Yes, that is how the mind is like. Take it from the point of physics, the mind has inertia. It is reluctant to change.

Breaking this down a little, the mind likes more of what you have already put in it, and anything contradicting what the mind likes, the mind rejects or is reluctant to do. So if you were relaxing watching TV and now you want to go and jog, the mind will try by all means to convince you to watch a little more of TV, unless the mind also likes to jog, because it doesn't work much, but the body gets to do the tiresome work. Physical activity is more tiring than mental activity, according to the mind of course.

Now these favourites are in the subconscious, they are engraved in the nonphysical part of the human, and they are as very much difficult to remove as they are to embed. But when they are there, they are there. Once a philosopher gave me an example of how powerful the mind is. He said when a person learns how to drive a car, they will not change the gear without first looking at the gear lever. But when the habit of driving has gone into the subconscious, the subconscious does it for you. As he was telling me this example, he was driving he's own car, and he had just received a phone call. And he continued,"but when your subconscious does it for you, you can answer a your phone, you can look around. You don't even see yourself indicating or changing the gears, or even driving the car, you can think about other things until you reach your destination.

So I guess the average male has fed the mind sweets and the mind liked them. Now when he wants food, the mind wants sweets. Sweets represent living the young life, the life perpetuated by the pop-culture through media, and food represents the natural life, the more settled life,and even family life. In essence this male does not see how grown he his, and therefore how out of time he is, because the mind doesn't want him to see it. That would mean no more sweets, but the mind likes sweets, it enjoys sweets.

The mind is very powerful, so be careful of what you put in it, it is the worst addict.

"Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered." Proverbs 28:26 ESV.

Friday, June 25, 2010

You Need To Free Your Mind

After watching docs like Illuminati and The Arrivals, you can definitely start to believe in mind control schemes that are ran by money hungry people who want more and more of what they already have. But I honestly believe that we are first slaves of our evil desires, as in James 1:14, and that the mind controllers of this world use what they know about us.

I personally think that if we can be individuals in our thinking and be capable of making sound decisions without the influences of society or media or popular culture, then these mind control schemes will not have as much impact on us as they currently do. But to stop them is close to impossible, because God says they will be and so they have to be. But we can live more fulfilling lives if we were less effected by these schemes. Free you own mind. The bibles says no evil was found in Him, I guess this is why Jesus was tempted in vain. This then means that He was free in His mind.

Bishop Jakes says you need to free your mind from you own self-enslavement...