Tuesday, September 7, 2010


As clouds can be frightening from a distance but are merely mist when you are within them, so are decisions...they seem too big before you make them, but once you are done, they are very light...I guess it is the rain that should be frightening, and similarly the consequence(s) of the decisions we make.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Personally I believe greatness to be a substance of belief, and thus I believe that great things are for ordinary people who only think greatness of themselves. People who say "I am great, and I know it....God packed me with greatness and sent me on a physical pilgrimage to carry out a task which matches this awesomeness that lies within me"..these are the people who become great in life, because they realised, through a sudden or gradual awakening, that inside them, lies immeasurable greatness.

I am great, because the Son is in me, and therefore He has multiplied my abilities