Monday, August 9, 2010

Be Still And Know

Funny how we always remember the songs and the verses, yet constantly forget their meaning...for instance, what does this song taken from a verse in Psalm 46, "Be still and know, that I am God" really mean. Yes we love this song, we enjoy and are blessed by it whenever a beautiful anointed voice sings it in praise...but are we conscious of its message.

I have learnt that awareness is not acquiring knowledge, but reacting according to the message received. For example, in almost all cigarette packs, there is a message that nearly reads "Smoking is not good for your lungs" and some even read "Smoking can cause lung cancer"..what? Yes. So is the person who smoke aware that it can cause lung cancer? No, definitely not. A person whom you can be certain is aware is the one who eventually quits smoking because of realising this message. So the person who continue reading this message and still smokes, just knows it but is yet to be aware. Therefore awareness is a state of being, not the acquirement of knowledge. I think this is why the Lord Jesus, says to His disciples "If you know all this, blessed are you if you really do it"(John 13:17)Moffatt NT, meaning that knowing is far from doing, which eventually proves your awareness.

So I went to visit a church yesterday, I'd helped them with something and so they invited me, the Pastor wanted to thank me personally. It was lovely, I was so blessed, they sing so beautifully and the message, it was out of this world, a message of Perfection, rarely ever preached anywhere. But after the service, I came to think of these songs that were sang...such songs were the song like "Noko noko ndingahamba nawe, Nkosi enofefe, ndiwonyuke amadabi...mhh". And then it came to these two songs that this lady medleyed together so wonderfully. She started with the one which sings "Kuwe baba, ngibekithemba lam, to you oh Lord, do I put my trust" and she went on to "Be still and know, that I am God" my goodness I couldn't even sing, I just wanted to cry...this song is enough to help everyone who's anyone through any circumstance or predicament, stumbling block or wall of obstacles. And I was amazed at how often it is sang through without any consciousness of its powerful meaning.

Amid the noise of the whirlwinds, all I can do is "Be Still and Know...that HE is GOD"...and I love Him, with all my Heart, my Mind and my humble Soul.