Monday, May 4, 2009

I am Spirit

I haven't posted in a long while now and I feel the need to mention why. When I post on this blog what that means is that I am happy, healthy and at peace spiritually. Now when any of the above mood factors is disturbed I come out of balance and it takes some spiritual motivation and healing before I can be in Equilibrium again. "The spirit is willing, but the body is weak" - Matthew 26verse41 [NIV]. Thus if my spirit is happy I'll be happy, the same applies with health.

I do however sometimes blog even when out of balance, but I often blab about the lost tranquility itself. So, how am I now? Well I am wonderful thank you for asking. I am growing at a way that is no more surprising than of confirmation to the fact that I have been chosen and called for a Great task. See, until recently I though that only now and for the first time am I inline with God's plan for my life. I now know that I have never been out of it, I've been living it all along. All the experience that I've gone through, my family, my friends, my personality ...everything,
has contributed to the person that I now have become. A person suitable and in good condition to stand the rain of my calling. But I will elaborate on this revelation later.

St. Paul says that what he wants to do he does not do but that which he does not want to do he does. I tell you this, when you are happy it is when you do want you want to do, when the spirit is in full control.

I am happy...because God loves me.