Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A day spent well

Today I just remembered a particular day I spent with my daughter. Come on I do not have a child, but my elder brother does and her name is Sihle, uHlehle ngamany' amazwi. Her father called me and told me that she was ill and that we needed to take her to the doctor, he works at Langebaanweg so that meant that I had to go and fetch her and he would catch up with us later so I did, and he did. My girl is beautiful, i took photos of her and some with myself and some with her father. There are superstitions that are hard to justify but the one of familysickness, likehomesickness, was proved real for me. Hlehle, as beautiful as she was, was honestly sick because she was just quiet and unfriendly when we picked her up- right the moment she was diagnosed of fever. She was really sick, but unfortunately the doctors were in a long meeting and they were only coming out at four in the afternoon. So we went down to eat and even there she proved ill as she didnt want to eat. Her father had bought me a slice of cake because this day was my birthday and my first as a born again believer. Even when I tried to make her eat the cake she wasnt interested. Now we were up at the peadiatric level again, waiting for the doctors and I was telling my brother how God loved me so much that He arranged that I enjoy my birthday with my family especially those I rarely saw and I missed the most, and that Hlehle was not sick but her sickness was in fact the centre of the arrangement. From that moment Hlehle was well laughing and walking around playfully that her father called into order fearing that the nurses would take her sickness lightly and stop their persuit to get her a doctor so that he also may get a letter to take back to work. Anyway my beautiful girl was not sick, thus the superstition is not real, God is.